For fifteen years we have worked and grown together with our factory located in Indonesia. It is a true partnership and friendship. And is unlike any other business relationship I have ever experienced.
It is extraordinary gratifying and rare to work with people who's values and commitment to excellence, their employees and the environment out weighs all other concerns. Money must be made and shareholders must garner a return on their investment but our manufacturing partners have never sacrificed principle for profit.
It is widely accepted that our workers pay is at least 20% higher than that of any other Indonesian furniture factory. There is no wage based upon piecework. There is no minimum wage paid to anyone.
We purchase and pay for our furniture in U.S. dollars. Employees are paid in Indonesian Rupias. Their pay is adjusted upward to equalize any inflation or devaluation of the Rupia against the dollar should it occur. Every six months each employee is "graded" and is eligible for a performance based bonus.
Over one thousand people work at our factory. Health care is provided for every employee, their spouse plus three children. Two meals a day are provided to every worker plus a dinner allowance. Free educational courses in English and computer usage are offered to everyone.
It is the policy of our factory shareholders that employee advancement be limited only by their own limitations.
It costs Giati more to buy furniture from a company with a conscience but it's worth it.